April 06, 2012

Sunshine, Please Return and Bring Back my Motivation!

As you may have noticed I haven't been posting many blogs lately.  I have been busy with work getting the store ready for the hustle and bustle of the spring months that are just around the corner.  In my spare time I have been just as busy with all sorts of activities.  My mom, brother and Nana came from Nevada and stayed St. Patty's weekend.   While they were visiting we went to the coast for a day, we did some gift shopping at Schmidt's, we introduced them to Block 15 and Market of Choice, and we played pool and drank margaritas in celebration of St. Patty's Day!

My mom, brother and their dog, Buster at Nye Beach

The day they left, Corvallis woke up to a snow storm that lasted all day long.   And since then the weather has been too terrible to work outside I have been focusing on indoor projects.  I did try and do some yard work this last Monday when it was sunny.  I tried mowing the lawn but it was still too wet and Charlotte was not making it easy on me because she likes to bark at the push mower because it "chases" her across the backyard.

 Playing some frizz bee tug of war out in the snow covered park
And then I have been recovering from being under the weather the last few weeks.  It wasn't serious but I took a few days off from work so that I wouldn't over do it and get worse later on in the busy spring gardening season.  I'm finally feeling close to 100% and feel like I've regained my energy as well as motivation for work and craft projects as well as blogging!

 Charlotte basking in the sun when it came out for a few hours

When I've been feeling up to it I've been working on items for my etsy shop.  I recently put most of my decorations I made for my Harry Potter party a while back.  I have also been in the middle of making some really adorable dog beds made from discarded dresser drawers and vintage suitcases.  My shop has been doing fairly well this year which is exciting.  It gives me encouragement that I should keep coming up with new ideas and products to list online.

Well fellow blog readers, that is a recap of what I have been up to this past month and a half.  I am hoping April will bring lots of sunshine and fun outing with good people to make the most of this 2012 spring.

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