February 27, 2012

Garden Journal: February 27th

There isn't much going on outside this time of year but there is evidence that spring is on its way.  If you've walked around town lately there are crocus blooming everywhere. In my own yard there are tulip and daffodil bulbs coming up.  The ground is still soggy from the rain we've been experiencing so it's not the best time to work in the yard but I at least get to enjoy the birds and the flowers starting to bloom.

 My pot of spring bulbs are starting to come up.  The cream colored crocus have started to bloom already.

 My forsythia bush is starting to open its blossoms.  Last spring I noticed the little birds like the juncos would sit on the branches and eat the blossoms. 

 The double hellebore I planted last year is producing beautiful double blossoms.  Last year it continued to bloom far into late spring.

 Some of the mini daffodils are already up.

 Lots more daffodils are on their way

The very beginning sign of my white bleeding heart

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