December 30, 2011

Beading Lesson

I hope everyone enjoyed a nice holiday over the past weekend.  We enjoyed a lot of overdue family time with Oz's mom, siblings, nephews and nieces and our friend Jesse.  Most of Christmas day we spent in Silverton hanging out with the family.  Christmas night Oz's niece, Imani, came down to Corvallis and spent the night with us.  The following morning we spent our time in the local bead shops and craft stores getting supplies to make bracelets and other jewelry.  Imani did a great job at beading.  She knew exactly what she wanted and she finished two projects faster than I usually do with just one.  Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of her finished necklace and bracelet (she's a little shy and doesn't like her photo taken).

Even Uncle Osvaldo helped Imani with her beading!

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