October 30, 2011

Jail Break

Last night after we came home from the Zombie Party I walked into the living room and just stood there thinking that something didn't look right.  After a split second I realized I was looking at Buddy the black bunny in the middle of the living room while Charlotte was in the bunny pen looking up at mom and Bunny girl was no where to be scene.  I realized that they bunnies figured out the weak spot of their pen and escaped while Charlotte took the opportunity to raid their pen for any treats or goodies they might have.  I decided to leave them out of their pen for the weekend since they worked really hard to get out.  They look so happy lounging in the living room in front of the fireplace. 

 Cocoa and Oreo early this morning outside their pen.

Charlotte and her bunny siblings.  She loves them so much.  If only they played with her, then she would be content.

As a side note, the bunnies are eating cranberry treats, not other treats, I promise.

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