September 12, 2011

Harvest Time

 Today was potato harvesting time.  All the foliage had died back and the potatoes cured in their containers for a few weeks.  I wanted to get them out today before it rained or it got too late in the season.  We had planted purple majesties, all blue, German butter balls and rose fingerlings.  Altogether we collected to pots full of small potatoes.  They will probably only last a week.  We eat a lot of potatoes around here.

Purple Majesty

 A purple majestic potato cut open

 I cam outside with a pan to wash potatoes and found Charlotte sitting on the fresh mound of potato dirt.

Charlotte is the Queen of the Hill

We also picked two HUMONGOUS zucchini plants.  I have no idea how to use this much squash.  Anyone have any good recipes?

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