May 02, 2011

Softball and Sunshine

Sun bathing
Now that Charlotte has entered my life I have a feeling I will not get a chance to blog as much as I was before.  At least not for a while.  She has been a great addition to the family but she takes so much time looking after her and making sure she isn't getting into trouble.  Its been a rewarding but equally exhausting two weeks with her.  She is very smart and catches on quick.  Most of my time has been spent making  sure that I am paying attention to her needs and keeping her happy. 

This weekend we finally had a break in the rainy weather this Sunday and had sunny 70 degree weather for most of the afternoon.  I had planned to spend the whole day with Charlotte in the yard working on building a corner patio area and fencing in my veggie garden but when the sun came out Charlotte and I found ourselves basking in the sun rays.  I did accomplish to fix a few loose fence boards and lay 4 of 13 cement blocks for my patio area but that was about it.  Charlotte on the other hand fell asleep in the grass and spent most of the day this way.

Around noon Charlotte and I joined our friend Brandy and her family and watched an IM softball game at OSU.  Charlotte had everyone falling in love with her.  She is going to be a heartbreaker.  With all the nice weather I managed to get a little sun burned....on only half of my face.  It looks a little silly right now. 

Anyways,  I'm sorry this isn't the most exciting post I've done.   I did finish a few more dog bandanas today for Charlotte.  Hopefully I can get her outside and have her model them for me.  I do have some blog inspirations I want to post.  Hopefully I will get the chance to do so soon.

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