April 22, 2011

C is for Charlotte

Well the Easter bunny came a few days early at my house this week and delivered a beautiful Boston terrier puppy last night.  I didn't think I would get a puppy until June but I found the perfect little girl and brought her home to join our family.  When I went to look at puppies I didn't know how I would decide which one to take home but she made it very easy to pick her.  She came and sat right in my lap and cuddled up next to me.  It melted my heart right away.  She had a great first night and was much easier to care for than I had thought.  I am so excited to have her with us.  She loves the outdoors and is a total goofball.  I will take more photos and update everyone on how she is adjusting soon.  Gotta get back to work!

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