March 26, 2011


Friday morning we made a quick trip to the town of Worms.  Only 30 minutes from Hemsbach is another town where important events in history have occurred.  Martin Luther, the forerunner for the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century shaped a huge part of our religious practices away from Catholicism.  He translated the Bible into languages other than Latin, allowing common people access to God they had not experienced before.  In April, 1521, Martin Luther's presence was requested to the city by order of Holy Roman Empire.  Charles V declared Martin Luther an outlaw but that did not stop the spread of Martin Luther's Protestant teachings.  Today the town of 85,000 is mostly Protestant.

Also in the town is St. Peter's cathedral.  What made this church so fascinating is the stained glass.  In a few of the glass pieces there are images of Nazis carrying people away.  A very unique theme for a Catholic Cathedral. 

 St. Peter's Cathedral

 The courtyard

 More of the courtyard

 A statue in the front of the church

 Nazi soldiers in the stained glass

In the basement was a room with coffins of saints from 512 A.D.

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