March 24, 2011


Farther down the Mosel Valley is Germany's oldest city, Trier.  Its history boasts 1,300 years of Celtic residents before it became an ancient capital of Rome, Dom Trier, Germany's oldest Christian church, Porta  Negra and the ancient Roman bath houses.  Trier was founded in 16 B.C. by Augustus.  Constantine built a basilica that was used as a throne room in ancient times. Karl Marx was also born in Trier.

Porta Negra is the only remaining gate out of four original that guarded the city in ancient times when it was walled in.  It was built without any mortar.  Only iron pegs hold the sandstone in place.

Porta Negra

The Hauptmarkt (market) square is alive with flower peddlers, cafes, and fountains.  St. Peter's fountain is a  symbol of a thoughtful city government. 

 Weinstube Cafe inside the city square

 St. Peter's Fountain

Trier Square



A block away is the Dom Trier which was the seat of the archbishop.  It is the oldest Christian Church of Germany and houses the Holy Robe, a tunic that is rumored to be owned by Jesus.  It was bombed very badly during World War II and has been restored since then. 

 Dom Trier

 Three angels in the courtyard.  They were my favorite piece

 In the courtyard

 Under the cross in the pulpit is the Holy Robe on display.

This ceiling was very detailed above the back of the nave

Constantine's basilica is also a few blocks away from the cathedral and adjoins St. Helena's palace.  St.  Helena was the mother of Constantine and legitimized Christianity in 312 AD
 The Basilica

 It was closed this day so we couldn't go inside

 It is a very large, sturdy structure

 The Palace connecting to the basilica

A lion, lady figurine

The last place we visited in Trier were the Roman bath houses.  Only ruins today, they were the most intricate bath houses the Roman's ever built.  They had a large amphitheater, two levels of subterranean baths and a large courtyard where games were played.

 Oz standing next to the foot of Constantine's statue

 The remaining ancient Roman bath house of Trier

 Inside the under ground bath houses

 Oz inside an amphitheater

 Doing some modeling

This is where the Roman's held their concerts

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