December 01, 2010

I Heart Gingies

This Christmas I love snowmen and Gingies!  What are gingies you ask?  Gingerbread men of course!  I don't know why I started calling them gingies, but I can't stop. My friends tell me it sounds like a dirty word.  I disagree, I think it captures the essence of the gingerbread man. I love them so much I am making us all gingie stockings for Christmas.  I also put them on sale on my etsy site along with my chickadee stockings so everyone can have a fun stocking this year.   Go to to see my designs.  Happy Holidays!

This is the first stocking I made.  I cut the gingie out of felt and hand stitched him on.  He has button eyes and a big loving heart.

These two stockings are so cute together

My family of mini gingies!

I love this material.  I bought it a few years ago but keep buying more because I think it is so cute.  I've found tons of uses for it so far.  I hope they don't stop making it.  I don't know what I'd do without my gingies.

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