December 27, 2010

Christmas photos

I know its a few days after Christmas but since my dad is in town I haven't had much time to blog about what I've been up to lately.  So here are a few pictures of Christmas and a few decorations.  I didn't do much decorating this year but it was a great Holiday season none the less.

Below are some pictures from the Christmas Eve party at Oz's cousin's house.
Notice that his hat has lights on it!  My grandma made this sweatshirt years ago.  I love the puff paint santas.

My dad and I

 A few of the nephews while opening presents from Santa

Here are pictures of our table top tree.  I found a metal bucket and filled it with rocks to keep the tree in place.  It turned out to be really cute.  We didn't add many decorations only because I was unwilling to dig through the storage unit to find our Christmas decorations  (lazy me...)  It still turned out pretty adorable.  After the New Year I want to place the tree outside and cover it with birdseed pinecone treats for the birds.
Table top tree

My favorite ornament this year

I love this owl tree topper

My new curtains from Ikea

These pictures are from Christmas morning after the destruction.  The bunnies had a blast running under and through all the paper and boxes.  They found some Christmas treats hidden within the mess of wrapping paper.
Cocoa and Oreo found some treats

I love my little bunny boy

She's so curious

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